So Angry, I Cried Tears of Relief

by Jan on August 10, 2021

I looked in Victoria’s Secret window and started to cry. Images of large stunning women that in my day would have been judged unacceptable and fat. That word, ‘fat,’ was a dreaded word that influenced and pre-programmed many perceptions about myself. I came from the world tainted by Twiggy, the 1960’s bone-thin fashion model who […]


November 13, 2024

As I age I’m observing myself perform exactly the same routine in getting ready for my day and in preparing for bedtime including not only my comprehensive skin care drill but also the necessary rigamarole of taking my meds and making sure I already took them before taking them again, using outrageously expensive eye drops […]

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February 27, 2024

This phrase has been playing on repeat in my mind the last couple days. Where did it come from? It feels like it’s coming from angry threatening voices. It’s all a bit mirky…Oh yeah, now I remember… Bad behavior, talking back, unacceptable grades or just about anything that would anger or embarrass my parents warranted: […]

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December 28, 2023
Thumbnail image for MISTAKEN

It was almost closing time when struggling to get my card out of my wallet, I walked in. The attendant looked deeply into my eyes with concern and asked, “Where do you want to go, hon?” I replied, “I just need to get some vegetables.” She gave me a doubtful look. It appears I had […]

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That’s What She Said

November 30, 2023

What do you do when you hear someone’s opinions about other people that feel maligning and malicious? It is kinda what we do sometimes when we feel insecure about ourselves and want to be accepted. And while the gossiper may feel a moment of power by tearing others down in their quest to feel better […]

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Peeling the Onion, Torturously Divine

October 18, 2023

I don’t think my deepest regret in life will be that I didn’t learn to line dance, although that did make for an awkward evening at the Bushwackers Saloon, but rather that I didn’t take the time or have the courage to dig into my story and allow the light to penetrate unhealed wounds. Well, […]

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The Columbus Day Storm of 1962 

October 9, 2023
Thumbnail image for The Columbus Day Storm of 1962 

I would not have guessed that morning, walking to school, we would end the day huddled under our stairs around one gas lantern. On our trek home that particular day, the wind whipped as we tried to hold our skirts down, and we laughed at the sight of our hair standing on end. I went […]

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Losing Friends

May 3, 2023

They come, and they go in and out of the seasons of our days. And then there are those who stay no matter what. 707 girls you know who you are. I’ve been fortunate to have many acquaintances and friends throughout my life’s journey. They have witnessed me stupid, brilliant, and dull and funny, but […]

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December 23, 2022

  Mrs. Garrison was my third-grade teacher, who more than once held up her stub and warned us never to stick our hands into an electric mixer while it was running. I learned many things we should and shouldn’t do, adhering to some and violating many. I embarked upon the latter this particular year, a […]

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Celebrating 40 Years in the Business

November 7, 2022

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I Never Rode on a Float

August 28, 2021

I never marched in a parade. I never climbed a mountain. I never published a book. I never invented anything. I never took in foster kids. I never surfed in the ocean or ran a race. I never had intelligent conversations with people of great influence. I never sailed a ship or galloped on a […]

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