I presently am wasting a bit of time at work and yet ask myself am I? Listening to my ipod in my office while the people above me sound like elephants stomping on the floor (I have no idea what they do up there but it makes me nuts),I experience one of those precious moments.
So I’m listening to John Denver sing “My Sweet Lady” and am remembering a certain someone from college, 1972, that took me to Denver’s concert. At this memory, I smile, laugh, even get a tear.
Suddenly I can smell and feel the atmosphere of the dorm rooms, the dining hall, the evergreen trees surrounding the campus, new books, paper, sharpened pencils and my first college crush.
So what do I do? What every over worked middle-aged woman would do. I google him. Haven’t talked since the late 70’s when he was angry I didn’t invite him to my wedding.
I spend 45 minutes online but couldn’t find much and really don’t know what I would have done if I had.
I have not recalled these memories for years and wonder how did the time go so fast? Remembering the people that made our days and stole our hearts…
Well the song has ended, time to get back to the tasks at hand and because there remain 300-pound wild animals creating intolerable noise in the office above me, I’m on to Bob Dylan…